Name: | Julian Weigt |
Citizenship: | German |
Email: | firstname.lastname@warwick.ac.uk |
Address: | Room B1.16, Mathematics Institute, Zeeman Building, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, United Kingdom |
Date | Position | Affiliation |
2025-07-01 - | Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellow | International Centre for Theoretical Physics Host: Dr. Emanuel Carneiro |
2022-11-01 - 2025-06-31 | Postdoctoral researcher | University of Warwick, PI: Dr. David Bate |
2018-07-01 - 2022-10-30 | Doctoral Student | Aalto University, Advisor: Prof. Juha Kinnunen Thesis: Endpoint Regularity of Maximal Functions in Higher Dimensions date of defense: 2022-10-21 |
2016-10-01 - 2018-06-31 | Master of Science in Mathematics | University of Bonn, Advisor: Prof. Christoph Thiele Thesis: Almost-Orthogonality of Restricted Haar Functions |
2015-09-01 - 2016-05-31 | Erasmus Exchange Student | Lund University |
2013-10-01 - 2015-06-31 | Bachelor of Science in Mathematics | University of Jena, Advisor: Prof. Daniel Lenz, Marcel Schmidt Thesis: Measurable Equidecomposition |
2011-10-01 - 2014-06-31 | Bachelor of Science in Physics | University of Jena, Advisor: Prof. Bernd Brügmann, Tim Dietrich Thesis: Oppenheimer-Snyder Collapse |
Date | Event |
2025-02-13 | Warwick Analysis Seminar, online, USA |
2025-02-05 | Virginia Tech Analysis Seminar, online, USA |
2025-01-27 | Edinburgh Analysis Seminar, Edinburgh, UK |
2024-07-12 | Chinese Academy of Sciences Analysis Seminar, Beijing, China |
2024-06-07 | NCTS/NTNU Conference on Fractional Integrals and Related Phenomena in Analysis, Taipei, Taiwan |
2024-02-08 | Mathematics Essex Seminar Serie, Essex, UK |
2023-10-16 | Warwick Junior Analysis and Probability Seminar, Coventry, UK |
2023-10-09 | Birmingham Analysis Seminar, Birmingham, UK |
2023-06-08 | Analysis seminar at Warwick, Coventry, UK |
2023-05-18 | International Prague seminar on function spaces, online, Czech Republic |
2023-05-08 | Jyväskylä geometric analysis seminar, Jyväskylä, Finland |
2022-06-17 | Izmir Mathematical Days – IV, online, Turkey |
2021-12-15 | OIST Nonlinear Analysis Seminar Series, online, Japan |
2021-12-13 | OIST Nonlinear Analysis Seminar Series |
2021-03-12 | UCLA Analysis and PDE Seminar, online, USA |
2019-02-05 | Helsinki University, Geometric and Functional Analysis Seminar, Helsinki, Finland |
Date | Event |
2023-06-13 | HAPDEGMT 2023, Bilbao, Spain |
2022-09-07 | IWOTA 2022, Krakow, Poland |
2022-08-20 | 28th Nordic Congress of Mathematicians, Aalto University, Finland |
2022-06-07 | 11th International Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, El Escorial, Madrid, Spain |
2021-10-01 | Summer School on Brascamp-Lieb inequalities, Kopp, Germany |
2019-07-05 | Summer School: Restriction Theory BCAM-UPV/EH, Bilbao, Spain |
2018-09-04 | Summer School on Unique Continuation and Inverse Problems, Kopp, Germany |
2017-10-06 | Summer School on Decoupling and Polynomial Methods in Analysis, Kopp, Germany |
Date | Award |
2023-03-26 | Aalto University doctoral thesis award 2023 in the School of Science |
Date | Grant | Funding body | Project title |
2025-07-01 - 2027-06-30 | Marie Skłodoswka-Curie postdoctoral fellowship | European commission | Sharp Regularity Bounds of Maximal Functions (SRMF) |
2021-07-01 - 2022-06-30 | doctoral research grant | Magnus Ehrnrooth foundation of the Finnish Society of Science and Letters | Regularity of Maximal Operators |
2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31 | doctoral scholarship | Vilho, Yrjö and Kalle Väisälä Foundation of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters | Regularity of Maximal Operators |
2019-01-01 - 2019-12-31 | doctoral scholarship | Vilho, Yrjö and Kalle Väisälä Foundation of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters | Regularity of Maximal Operators |
Date | Role | Course |
2021-11-01 - 2021-12-10 | Head Assistant | Measure and Integral, Aalto University |
2021-10-12 - 2021-02-22 | Head Assistant | Differential and Integral Calculus 2, Aalto University |
2020-10-26 - 2020-12-04 | Head Assistant | Measure and Integral, Aalto University |
2020-04-20 - 2020-05-18 | Head Assistant | Harmonic Analysis, Aalto University |
2020-04-25 - 2020-04-07 | Head Assistant | Differential and Integral Calculus 3, Aalto University |
2019-10-28 - 2019-12-05 | Head Assistant | Measure and Integral, Aalto University |
2019-04-16 - 2019-05-29 | Head Assistant | Differential and Integral Calculus 3, Aalto University |
2018-09-10 - 2018-12-17 | Head Assistant | Partial Differential Equations, Aalto University |
2016-10-01 - 2017-02-31 | Teaching Assistant | Analysis I, Bonn |
2015-04-01 - 2015-06-31 | Teaching Assistant | Analysis II, Jena |
2014-10-01 - 2015-02-31 | Teaching Assistant | Lineare Algebra (Linear Algebra) I, Jena |
2014-04-01 - 2014-06-31 | Teaching Assistant | Lineare Algebra für Lehramtsstudenten (Linear Algebra for teachers) II, Jena |
2013-10-01 - 2014-02-31 | Teaching Assistant | Mathematik für Geo- und Materialwissenschaftler (Mathematics for Geological and Material Scientists), Jena |