Julian Weigt [ˈjuːli̯aːn ˈvaigt]

I am currently employed as a postdoctoral research fellow in mathematics under David Bate at the University of Warwick, United Kingdom.


email: firstname.lastname@warwick.ac.uk
address: Office: B1.16
Mathematics Institute
Zeeman Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom
departmental page


I am working on quantitative properties of Alberti representations, weighted Poincaré inequalities and the regularity properties of maximal operators. I am generally interested in real and harmonic analysis topics.

portrait of me


2025 with D. Bate, Alberti representations, rectifiability of metric spaces and higher integrability of measures satisfying a PDE. Submitted. arXiv,
2024 Sobolev bounds and counterexamples for the second derivative of the maximal function in one dimension. Submitted. arXiv,
2023 with K. Myyryläinen, C. Pérez, Weighted fractional Poincaré inequalities via isoperimetric inequalities. Calc. Var. Partial Differ. Equ. 63, No. 8, Paper No. 205, 32 p. (2024). arXiv, journal article
2022 Doctoral thesis: Endpoint regularity of maximal functions in higher dimensions. electronic publication
The Variation of the Uncentered Maximal Operator with respect to Cubes. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (2024), published online first, DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1575 arXiv, preprint
with C. Bilz, The one-dimensional centred maximal function diminishes the variation of indicator functions. Submitted. arXiv, preprint
2021 with D. Beltran, C. González-Riquelme, J. Madrid, Continuity of the Gradient of the Fractional Maximal Operator on W^1,1. Math. Res. Lett. 30, No. 3, 689-707 (2023). arXiv, preprint
Endpoint Solobev Bounds for the Uncentered Fractional Maximal Function. Math. Z. 301, No. 3, 2317--2337 (2022) arXiv, journal publication, preprint, journal article
Variation of the dyadic maximal Function. Int. Math. Res. Not. 2023, No. 4, 3576-3596 (2023) arXiv, journal publication, preprint, journal article
2020 Variation of the uncentered maximal characteristic Function. Rev. Mat. Iber. 38, No. 3, 823-849 (2022) arXiv, journal publication, preprint
with J. P. Ramos, O. Saari, Weak differentiability for fractional maximal functions of general Lp functions on domains. Adv. Math. 368 (2020), 107144, 25 pp. arXiv, published pdf, journal article, mathscinet
2019 Almost-orthogonality of restricted Haar functions. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 148 (2020), no. 2, 601-609. arXiv, preprint, journal article, mathscinet
2018 Master's Thesis: Almost-Orthogonality of Restricted Haar Functions. download, download updated


05.02.2025 Virginia Tech Analysis Seminar
27.01.2025 Edinburgh Analysis Seminar
12.07.2024 Chinese Academy of Sciences Analysis Seminar reg. max.,
07.06.2024 NCTS/NTNU Conference on Fractional Integrals and Related Phenomena in Analysis Endpoint regularity of fractional maximal functions
08.02.2024 Mathematics Essex Seminar Series reg. max.,
16.10.2023 Warwick Junior Analysis and Probability Seminar reg. max., handout
09.10.2023 Birmingham Analysis Seminar reg. max., handout
13.06.2023 HAPDEGMT Bilbao 2023 poincare, handout
08.06.2023 University of Warwick analysis seminar poincare, handout
18.05.2023 International Prague seminar on function spaces reg. max., handout
08.05.2023 Jyväskylä geometric analysis seminar poincare, handout
21.10.2022 doctoral defense lectio praecursoria
07.09.2022 IWOTA 2022 Weighted and fractional Poincaré inequalities
20.08.2022 28th Nordic Congress of Mathematicians reg. max.
17.06.2022 Izmir Mathematics Days reg. max.
07.06.2022 11th International Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations in El Escorial reg. max.
13. and 15.12.2021 OIST Nonlinear Analysis Seminar Higher dimensional techniques for the regularity of maximal functions
12.03.2021 UCLA Analysis and PDE Seminar Endpoint regularity of the dyadic and the fractional maximal function
05.02.2019 Helsinki University, Geometric and Functional Analysis Seminar Almost orthogonality of restricted Haar functions

Former Teaching at Aalto University

10/2021-12/2021 MS-E1280 - Measure and Integral head assistant
01/2021-02/2021 MS-A0211 - Differential and integral calculus 2 head assistant
10/2020-12/2020 MS-E1280 - Measure and Integral head assistant
04/2020-05/2020 MS-E1992 - Harmonic Analysis head assistant
02/2020-04/2020 MS-A0311 - Differential and integral calculus 3 head assistant
10/2019-12/2019 MS-E1280 - Measure and Integral head assistant
04/2019-06/2019 MS-A0311 - Differential and integral calculus 3 head assistant
09/2018-12/2018 MS-C1350 - Partial Differential Equations head assistant


html markdown pdf

Software I like

Using Git with LaTeX (like this) Git is version control software, primarily for text files such as latex files, which is very useful for collaborating. It stores the complete history of your project in a searchable way and allows for undoing and redoing of any change ("commit") in the history. People can work offline on the same file at the same time, and whenever someone is happy with their work, they commit their change to the server. As long as different users only touch different parts of the file, it will just work. But even if the same portion of a file has been edited by different people at the same time, there is a merging system in place which helps in solving such edit conflicts.
Asymptote For creating vector graphics. Typesets labels and equations in LaTeX. Is text file based and can thus be well managed using git.
gnuplot To plot data and functions. Is also text file based.
make To execute build/compile recipes. Knows when files need to be recompiled. I use it to draw figures using asymptote and gnuplot automatically before compiling the latex file. Works well together with git for example to quickly generate different versions of a document.
Vim,Vis Purely keyboard controlled text editors
dwm, Sway Simple keyboard controlled window managers
Luakit, Qutebrowser Keyboard controlled web browsers
Linux, Arch Linux, Alpine Linux Open source operating system
Postmarket OS An (alpine) linux-based open source operating system for smartphones, meant to support in particular ARM/Android devices whose manufacturer has dropped support for.
Jitsi Video conferencing software. Self hosted alternative to Skype, Google hangouts, Zoom etc. They host a public instance which anyone can use. Works in the web browser on desktop and mobile, also provides dedicated android and ios applications.
Matrix A messaging protocol. Competes with whatsapp, telegram, facebook chat, etc. It is federated, meaning that it does not rely on a single host, but that everyone can run their own server and the servers communicate with each other; in that respect comparable to email. Self hosted, but public servers available.
Etherpad Collaborative text editor. More lightweight and simple self hosted alternative to Google docs. Also has a good phone UI.
Ethercalc Collaborative spreadsheet editor. Self hosted alternative to Google sheets. UI not great imo, but works.
Touch typing A systematic way of typing on the computer keyboard without sight
Neo A supposedly more ergonomic keyboard layout with many layers. Has comfortably placed programming characters like \,(,),{,}, a numblock and keys like arrows and backspace. Also types greek letters and mathematical symbols like ℕ,ℝ,∫. Optimized for touch typing.
thebestmotherfucking.website A simply designed website
st A simple terminal
zathura, feh, gomuks neomutt+abook more purely keyboard controlled programs

Latex-packages I like

hyperref You can click on \ref references in the pdf.
cleverref Write \cref{lemma1} instead of Lemma \ref{lemma1}.